Posts by SpeakAbleSLP

A New Way To Read: Dialogic Reading for a Richer Language Experience

A New Way To Read: Dialogic Reading for a Richer Language Experience

Does your little one love looking at books cuddled up next to you at bedtime? You probably know that this...

Tips for Enhancing Verbal Communication Skills

Tips for Enhancing Verbal Communication Skills

  In a web-based world, we are what we post. Our online presence can have a significant impact on our public personas,...

Loonie Language Lessons: Using Dollar Store Items to Target SLP Goals

Loonie Language Lessons: Using Dollar Store Items to Target SLP Goals

Regular and consistent home-practice, as recommended by your child’s speech-language pathologist, is the key to their success. Educational resources can...

What is a Communicative Disorders Assistant?

What is a Communicative Disorders Assistant?

Hello readers! In this latest blog I thought I would share with you a little bit about my role as...

Jenga: Using Classic Toys to Target Speech and Language Goals

Jenga: Using Classic Toys to Target Speech and Language Goals

Finding fun ways to work with your young ones on their speech and language goals, outside of therapy, can be...

Marble Run: Using Classic Toys to Target Speech and Language Goals

Marble Run: Using Classic Toys to Target Speech and Language Goals

As a clinician working with children of all ages, I am always on the lookout for new fun games to...

School’s Out! Now what about that speech homework?

School’s Out! Now what about that speech homework?

It’s hard to believe that another school year has come and gone! The team at SpeakAble is already enjoying the...



May is finally here! It happens to be one of my favourite months, not just because of the warmer weather but...

Speech and language: Where your toddler should be by age 2

Speech and language: Where your toddler should be by age 2

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) who work with children can address a wide range of communicative challenges including articulation (i.e., speech sounds),...

Early Intervention is Key

Early Intervention is Key

The ability for our children to communicate, to connect with loved ones and neighbours, can be greatly affected by minor...